Basic 2D commands of Autocad
This command use to draw the lines ,you can choose the command from toolbar or write L and press enter.
Command= L <enter>
Command= L <enter>
Allow for the sequential drawing of one or more straight lines.Once engaged this command elicits a prompt of from point at which point the user specifies a starting point for a line, or they may press RETURN, which starts the line at the end of the previous line or arc that was drawn. Next, the prompt "To point:" is displayed, allowing the user to specify a sequence of points to which the line will extend. They may also type the letter C to close the polygon, or the letter U to undo the previous line segment, or they may simply press RETURN to complete the command.
Command =PL <enter>
Draws a circle by letting the user specify the center point, then dictating the circle 's size by entering a value either the circle 's diameter and radius.
Command = c <enter>
This command draws arcs like half circle.
The various methods for constructing arcs with this command.
1. Specify three different points .
2. Starting point, center, and end point.
3. Starting point, center and included angle.
4. Starting point, center, and length of chord.
5. Starting point, ending point,and radius
6. Starting point, ending point, and starting direction,and finally.
7. Starting point and direction of previous line or arc, plus ending point.
Command=A <enter>
The various methods for constructing arcs with this command.
1. Specify three different points .
2. Starting point, center, and end point.
3. Starting point, center and included angle.
4. Starting point, center, and length of chord.
5. Starting point, ending point,and radius
6. Starting point, ending point, and starting direction,and finally.
7. Starting point and direction of previous line or arc, plus ending point.
Command=A <enter>
This command use to removes a selected entities.
Command= E <enter>
The user may dictate the direction and length of a move of specified objects.
Command= M <enter>
This command is use to copy the objects. You can choose the command from toolbar or write co with keyboard.
Command= co <enter>
Command= co <enter>
This command is use to draw the circle, you can choose the command from toolbar or write the c with keyboard.
Command= c <enter>
This command is use to draw the rectangle, you can choose the command from toolbar or write rec with keyboard.
Command= rec <enter>
The user can be rotate an object choosing with this command. Negative angle will provide a clockwise rotation, while a positive angle gives a counterclockwise rotation.
Command =RO <enter>
This command produces a mirror copy of a selected object group by specifying the two ends of the mirror line. Then, the mirrored objects may be deleted or kept, depending upon the user preference.
Command = MI <enter>
Command= TR <enter> <enter>
Command =EX <enter>
Command=O <enter>
Command = MI <enter>
This command trims part of certain object in a drawing in order to finist them precisely at some cutting edges that are established by one or more other objects . One or several lines, circles ,arcs or polylines must be identified to serve as cutting edges, which may be selected by any of the methods available.Next , pointing is used to select the parts of the objects that are to be trimmed.Command= TR <enter> <enter>
Complementing the Trim command , Extend operates similarly, but the selected lines are extended to end exactly at the specified boundary edges.Command =EX <enter>
Constructs a new entity parallel to an existing one. This could be a single line , polyline ,arc or circle.Command=O <enter>
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