Learn AutoCAD commands with the AutoCAD Shortcut Keyboard guide to help you work faster and be more efficient while using AutoCAD software.
This 50 commands is most important for AutoCAD. You cannot work on AutoCAD without this commands.
Command keybord shortcuts
1. Line L
2. Polyline PL
3. Circle C
4. Rectangle REC
5. Ellipse EL
6. Arc ARC
7. Hatch H
8. Move M
9. Rotate RO
10. Trim TR
11. Copy CO
12. Mirror MI
13. Fillet F
14. Stretch S
15. Scale SC
16. Array AR
17. Extend EX
18. Offset O
19. Chamfer CHA
20. Divide DIV
21. Measure ME
22. Match property MA
23. Multiple Text MTEXT/MT
24. Join J
25. Area Area
26. Distance DI/DIST
27. Zoom All Z
30. Group G
31. Ungroup UNG
32. Options OP
33. Block B
34. Dimensions Style D
35. Properties MO
36. Explode X
37. Region RO
38. Material MAT
39. Units UN
40. Xline XL
41. Rename
If you need to rename any named object like layer, block or Linetype simply use this command to rename it.u
42. LIST (LI)
Using this command you can find lots of properties of an object like the layer they are on, area, length or radius, perimeter or circumference.
43. OOPS
This command can be used to restore the last deleted object in your drawing.
44. ID
This command can be used to find the coordinate values of a point in AutoCAD drawing.
45. POINT (PO)
This command makes a single point geometry in the drawing. To modify the type of point created by this command you can use DDPTYPE command and choose the desired point type from Point Style window.
Using this command you can convert single line as well as multiline text into geometries.
Using this command you can draw freehand Drawings.
Using this command you can make Leader for show details on drawing.
17. Extend EX
18. Offset O
19. Chamfer CHA
20. Divide DIV
21. Measure ME
22. Match property MA
23. Multiple Text MTEXT/MT
24. Join J
25. Area Area
26. Distance DI/DIST
27. Zoom All Z
30. Group G
31. Ungroup UNG
32. Options OP
33. Block B
34. Dimensions Style D
35. Properties MO
36. Explode X
37. Region RO
38. Material MAT
39. Units UN
40. Xline XL
41. Rename
If you need to rename any named object like layer, block or Linetype simply use this command to rename it.u
42. LIST (LI)
Using this command you can find lots of properties of an object like the layer they are on, area, length or radius, perimeter or circumference.
43. OOPS
This command can be used to restore the last deleted object in your drawing.
44. ID
This command can be used to find the coordinate values of a point in AutoCAD drawing.
45. POINT (PO)
This command makes a single point geometry in the drawing. To modify the type of point created by this command you can use DDPTYPE command and choose the desired point type from Point Style window.
Using this command you can convert single line as well as multiline text into geometries.
Using this command you can draw freehand Drawings.
Using this command you can make Leader for show details on drawing.
If you want to repeat any command without pressing enter key then use MULTIPLE command with in other command like Fillet , Offset or chamfer etc.
If you want to repeat any command without pressing enter key then use MULTIPLE command with in other command like Fillet , Offset or chamfer etc.
Using this command you can make free hand line.
This link for Basic important commands of AutoCAD. You cannot work on AutoCAD without this commands.
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