AutoCAD keyboard shortcuts
There are some short keys in AutoCAD, with the help of which you can easily do difficult tasks. You can learn about these short keys by looking at the list below.
2. F2 Commands detail
3. F3 Osnap (on/off)
4. F4 3D Osnap (on/off)
5. F5 Isoplane
6. F6 Dynamic UCS (on/off)
7. F7 GRID (on/off)
8. F8 Ortho (on/off)
9. F9 snap (on/off)
10. F10 Polar (on/off)
11. F11 Object snap tracking
12. F12 Dynamic Input
13. Ctrl+s Save file
14. Ctrl+z Undo
15. Ctrl+y Redo
16. Ctrl+p Plot
17. Ctrl+v View
18. Ctrl+o Open new file
19. Ctrl+c copy
20. Ctrl+A Select All
21. Ctrl+q Quit AutoCAD
22. Ctrl+u Polar (on/off)
23. Ctrl+g Grid (on/off)
24. Ctrl+w selection cycling (on/off)
25. Ctrl+D Dynamic UCS
26. Ctrl+f Osnp (on/off)
27. Ctrl+L Ortho (on/off)
28. Ctrl+b Snap (on/off)
29. Ctrl+1 Quick properties
30. Ctrl+2 Design center
31. Ctrl+3 Tool palettes
32. Ctrl+4 sheet set manager
33. Ctrl+5
34. Ctrl+6 Db connect manager
35. Ctrl+7 Markup set manager
36. Ctrl+8 Quick calculator
37. Ctrl+9 command line
38. Ctrl+0 Ribbon (Tool bar)
Object snap (osnap)
Osnap helps you to find Midpoint, endpoint, center, node, quadrant, intersection, Extension, INSertion, perpendicular, tagent, nearest,
Apparent intersection and parallel points.
Shortcut key = F3
Shortcut key =F8
Polar on /off =F10
Apparent intersection and parallel points.
Shortcut key = F3
3D Osnap (3D object snap)
When you turend on 3D Object snap mode you find Midpoint, endpoint, center, node, quadrant, intersection, Extension, INSertion, perpendicular, tagent, nearest, Apparent intersection and parallel point on 3D solid
Shortcut key =F4
When you turned on, ortho mode makes all lines drawn with the mouse parallel to the axis.Shortcut key =F8
You can use polar tracking to track along polar angles increments of 90,60,45,30,22.5,18,15,10,and 5 degrees or you can specify different angles. The following illustration shows the alignment paths.
Dynamic Input
A command entered from your keyboard will appear on one side of your cursor. When dynamic input is on
Dynamic Input on /off =F12
Can you turn on/off the grid using F8.
Dynamic Input on /off =F12
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